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2022 7 1

Instruction for authors
ڸ ħ

Pain Bulletin ôȸ(The Korea Spinal Pain Society) мμ 5, 10 2ȸ ȴ. Ī Pain Bulletin̴. Pain Bulletin ӻǻ, ӻ󿬱, ʰ Ÿ ǰ ô ȯ ȯڿ õ پ ӻ ġῡ ϴ Ѵ.
Pain Bulletin ħ ۼǾ ϸ, ħ , ȸ(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: ICMJE) м , , ǿ ǰ ħ Ѵ. (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations).

1. , ڰ

Pain Bulletin ô , , ġ پ ȯ ο ߰߿ ⿩ ־ ϸ, Ưϰ â̾ Ѵ. ⿡ 缳(editorial) (original article), (review), ʺ(case report), ڿ (letters to the editor) Ѵ. ϴٸ, ǻ Ǵ ִ. ùٸ ѱ ۼϵ ʿ ϴ. ϴ п ǻȸ ֽſ Ѵ. ۼ , , , ʺ ڿ ɻ縦 ȴ. Pain Bulletin ۱ ôȸ .


Pain Bulletin ħ мȸ() 'г ̵ 3 (KAMJE: Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors)', Ǵ ȸ(ICMJE) ǰ ħ Ѵ. (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/) ȸ(Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE) ǰ . (https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts)

1) Ģ
ӻ Ű ؼϿ ϸ, ȸ(Institutional Review Board) ޾ƾ ϸ, ӻ (http://ncrc.cdc.go.kr), 躸DZⱸ(World health organization: WHO) Ǵ ' ȸ(ICMJE)' ϵǾ Ѵ. ڸ ĺ ̸, ̴ϼ, ȣ, ʾƾ Ѵ. ȸ(Animal Care and Use Committee) ޾ƾ ϸ, Ǵ 赿 ̿ ħ ؾ Ѵ. 츦 ޾ƾ Ѵ.

2) (conflict of interest)
Ͽ ؾ Ѵ. , , ֽ , ʺ, Ư û/, Ǵ Ÿ ڱݰ 踦 ϰ ĥ ִ , й Ѵ. ڰ ϰ, ϴµ ־ ڽ Ǵܿ ġ ʾҴٰ Ȯϴ 쿡 ؾ Ѵ.

3) Ǽ
ڴ ӻ 迡 ȯ Ǽ ɻ ȸ μ ؾ Ѵ. ڴ Pain Bulletin ûϴ ؾ Ѵ.

4) ڵ
ڵ (1) , , м ؼ ⿩, (2) ʾ ۼϰų, ߿ 뿡 ϴ (3) ǵ ; (4) κп Ȯ Ǵ Ἲ õ ϰ ǰ ذǾٴ Ȯϸ, 鿡 å ڴٴ Ƕ 4 ؾ Ѵ.
߰, , ޱ 쿡 ̷ ִ. ̸ ûϱ ؼ ڴ ڷκ (a) ߰, , (b) ڷκ ̿ Ѵٴ Ȯ(̸, ) ޾ƾ Ѵ.

5) â
ٸ ο ǵǾ Ǹ ٸ ο ÿ Ǿ ȴ. ε  κе ȸ 㰡 ٸ ο ߺ . ǥ Ǵ ߺ ߵ źεǸ, ڴ ó , Ҽ 뺸Ѵ. ǵ ڷḦ ̿ 㰡 ʿϴ.

6) μ
‘ǻȸ (‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals) ǰ ϴ μⰡ ϴ.

3. ɻ

1) ش о 2 ̻ ɻ(reviewer) Pain Bulletin θ ɻѴ. Pain Bulletin Ͱ ɻ縦 Ͽ ɻ縦 ǽѴ. ɻ ڿ ϸ, ɻ . ɻ ϰ, Ǵܿ θ ϰ ʿ ڿ ǰѴ. ǰ ɻ Ȥ ִ. ǰ ׿ Ǹ ٽ Ѵ. ڴ , ɻ 亯 ϴ ؾ Ѵ. ڰ ǥؾ Ѵ. ɻ 亯 ɻ δ ȸ . δ ȸ ϸ, ʿ ߰ , , û ִ.

2) ɻ Ȥ 亯 30 ̳ ؾ Ѵ. Ű ɻ簡 Ǹ Ư .

3) ɻ ߰ų ־ٰ 쿡 ڴ ǰ ޹ħϴ Ȥ ο ڷḦ ϴ 쿡 Ͽ ȸ ⸦ ִ. ȸ ִ.

4. ۱

εǸ, ۱ ȿ ߻ϸ ̿ ۱ ôȸ 絵ȴ. ڴ ٸ ڸ ǥϿ ۱ 絵 å Ѵ. ۱ 絵 μ, , Ǵ Ÿ Ͽ ϰ ִ Ǹ Ѵ.

5. غ

1) Ȯϰ ѱ۷ ۼؾ Ѵ. ũμƮ 峪 Ÿ ֿ μ α׷ Ͽ A4 Ǵ Letter ũ ּ 3cm 2 12Ʈ ۲÷ ۼؾ Ѵ. ȣ Ű Ѵ. ͹ Ѵ.

2) , Ȯ , Ÿ м, , Ư ڴ ǥ ħ Ѵ.

Initiative Type of study Source
CONSORT Consolidated Standards Reporting Trials http://www.consort-statement.org
STARD Standards Reporting Diagnostic accuracy studies http://www.stard-statement.org
PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items http://www.prisma-statement.org
Systematic Reviews
STROBE Strengthening Reporting Observational studies Epidemiology http://www.strobe-statement.org
MOOSE Meta-analysis Observational Studies in Epidemiology http://www.consort-statement.org/mod_product/uploads/MOOS%20Statement%202000.pdf
CARE Case report http://www.care-statement.org/

1) (Title page):
Ͽ Ѵ.

: ϰ Ȯؾ ǥѴ. ѱ 30 ̳, 15 ̳ Ѵ. ù ܾ 빮ڷ ǥѴ. ǰ ǰ ƴ Ϲݸ ۼؾ Ѵ.
Ҽ: ڸ, Ҽ ǥѴ. ̸ ̸ ؾ Ѵ. Ҽ ؾ Ѵ. ڰ Ҽӵ μ Ȯϰ ǥؾ Ѵ. ڰ μ ̸ ָ ǥѴ.
: ѱ 20 ̳, 10 ̳ Ѵ. ȸ ִ.
: , ּ, ȣ, ȭȣ, ѽȣ, ̸ ּҸ Ѵ.

2) ʷ(Abstract):
ʷ 250ܾ ̳ (Background)/(Aims), (Methods), (Results), (Conclusions) 4 κ ü ڷḦ Ͽ ϰ ϰ ۼѴ. ʷ 3-5 ٽɾ(Key words) Ѵ. ٽɾ MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html) ؾ Ѵ. ٽɾ ܾ ݷ(;) ϰ ܾ ħǥ(.) ǥѴ.

3) :
ϰ Ȯϰ ۼϰ õ Ѵ.

4) :
ȹ, Ѵ. ȯ()  ̷  ǰ ϵǾ ڼ Ѵ. ϵ ڼ Ѵ.

5) :
Ȯϰ ۼϿ Ѵ. õ Ͽ ٷ Ѵ. ǥ õ ݺؼ ȵǸ, ߿ ϰ ִ.

6) :
õ Ǹ ϰ ٸ ڷ Բ мϰ ؼѴ. ǿ Ѱ踦 Ѵ.

7) :
οѴ. ICMJE ǰ (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html) .

ȣ [ ] ̿Ͽ, ޵ ȣ Űܾ ϸ, Ѵ.
õǾ ϸ, 50 ʰ ʾƾ Ѵ. ٸ, Ÿм 信 50 ʰ ִ.
, , м Ͽ ؾ Ѵ.
м Index Medicus ϴ  Ѵ.
6 ڱ ִ. ڰ 6 ̻ 쿡 6 ϰ ڿ 'et al.' δ.
ο ȣ Ѵ.

8) ׸

׸ Į ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
׸ ϰ ѱ۷ ϵ ʿ信 ǥ ϴ.
׸ · Ͽ Ѵ. (tif, jpg, pdf, gif, ppt files). ̸ Fig. (ƶ ) ǥѴ. (. Fig. 1).
׸ ϵ ϳ Ͽ ǥϴ ϳ A, B, C, ǥѴ.
׸̳ Ÿ ǥ Ͽ Ͽ Ѵ.

Ư μ ȸ Ͽ Ѵ.


1) , Ҽ, ̸: Ѵ.
2) ʷ: ʷ 250ܾ ̳ Ѵ.
3) : ̶ ʿ Ϲ Ǹ ϰ Ѵ.
4) ʺ: ӻҰ ô õ Ұ Ÿ ʿ õ ӻ ߽ Ѵ.
5) : ʰ ϰ ִ Ư κп ߾ ϸ Ȳ Ѵ. ׸ κп Ͽ Ѵ.
6) : Ѵ.

[13620] д籸 ̷173 82 (д缭뺴 а) 
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